Mental Health Ministry
OLPH Mental Health Ministry is here to provide educational resources to help erase the stigma of mental illness in our parish community. We will also be providing presentations on different subjects related to mental health and well being. Look for announcements in the bulletin.
Our Purpose
All of us at one time or another have struggled with issues that could have been handled
easier if we would have reached out for help. Our ministry’s purpose is to provide
resources and help to reduce the stigma of mental illness, so those living with mental
illness can get the help that they need without being apprehensive.

Mental Health Ministry Contacts
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
- 800-273-TALK (8255)
- Catholic Charities, San Diego
- 619-323-2841
- Diocesan Resources
- 858-490-8299
- Catholic Community Foundation
- 858-397-3701
- NAMI San Diego
- Helpline: 800-523-5933
- San Diego Access & Crisis Hotline ACL
- 888-724-7240
- Survivors of Suicide Loss
- Support Line: 619-482-0297
- Recovery International
- San Diego Office: 619-383-2084