Faith, Community, and Service

Parish Announcements

Thank You for a Blessed Evening!

We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to Chris for his inspiring talk and to Francis for leading us in beautiful praise and worship. Your presence and gifts helped create a truly meaningful night of reflection during this Lenten season. We’re also grateful to all the parishioners who joined us, and a special thanks to our parish youth for coming out and being an active part of our community.

More About Our Parish

Join us in growing together through faith, service, and community. Discover how you can be a part of our parish ministries, sacraments, and groups dedicated to living out Christ’s love.


Be the hands and feet of Christ. Learn about our ministries and how you can get involved.

Groups and Organizations

Our groups and organizations serve the parish and community. See how you can help.


Learn about the stages and important moments of Christian life and our Catholic faith.

Faith Information

Our parish offers faith formation for all ages. Grow your love and knowledge of the Lord.

Mass · Misa

English – (Vigil) Saturday at 5pm, Sunday 7am, 9am, 11am, & 5pm
Español – Domingo a la 1pm

Daily Mass · Misa Diaria

Monday to Saturday – 8:00am
Daily Rosary – 7:30am
First Fridays and Holy Days – 6:00pm

Confession · Confesiones

Saturday – After the 8:00am Mass
Sunday – 12:00pm to 12:30pm or by appointment

Office Hours · Horarios de Oficina

Monday – Thursday – 8:30am to 4:00pm

Friday – 8:30am to 3:00pm

Closed daily for lunch – 12:00pm to 1:00pm

Eucharistic Adoration · Adoración Eucarística

Saturday – 8:30am to 9:30am
First Fridays – 8:30am to Saturday 8:30am

A Message from Our Pastor

Our faith community at Our Lady of Perpetual Help warmly welcomes you! We will do all that we can to support you. Whether you are a visitor or new to our parish, or perhaps interested in becoming Catholic, seeking to return to the practice of your faith, or an active member of our parish, we are pleased that you have come to our website. Please be assured of the prayers and support of our parish clergy and staff, in these challenging times. We are working together to provide for the reverent and safe celebration of the Sacraments and to provide catechesis and sacramental formation to all members of our parish family.

Latest News

Featured Events and Announcements

Stay informed about the latest happenings at our parish. From special Mass times to upcoming events, we keep you updated with everything you need to know.
Labor Day Office Hours and Mass Times
In observance of Labor Day on Monday, September 2nd, the Parish Office will be closed. There will be only one Mass on this day at 9 a.m.
Diocese of San Diego Chapter 11 Reorganization
Updates regarding the Diocese of San Diego’s Chapter 11 reorganization process will be provided. Stay informed about how this affects our community and the parish.
Join Us for Supper!
Join us for a community supper where everyone is welcome. Details about the upcoming event will be shared soon.
President’s Day
In celebration of President’s Day, special events and Mass times will be posted as the date approaches.
Daily Mass & Stations During Lent
Join us for daily Mass and Stations of the Cross throughout the season of Lent. Further details on times and services will be available.
Parish Fall Festival Coming Soon
Get ready for our annual Parish Fall Festival! There will be games, food, and fun for the whole family. More information about dates and activities will be provided soon.
Thanksgiving Day Mass Schedule
On Thanksgiving Day, we will hold a special Mass at 10 a.m. to give thanks for the blessings we’ve received. Join us in celebrating this important holiday together.

Next Event

Pray for Vocations

08/09/2024 - 04/05/2025

In this section, the focus is on the upcoming spiritual gathering, “Pray for Vocations.” Set against the serene backdrop of a twilight-lit scene, it invites the viewer to pause and reflect. The event spans from August 9, 2024, to April 5, 2025, offering an extended time for the faithful to unite in prayer. The bold, clean typography immediately draws attention to the event, while the “Explore Ministries” button invites further engagement, allowing participants to delve deeper into the ministries involved. The soft glow of the background imagery creates a sense of calm and spiritual anticipation, making this event feel both welcoming and significant.

Upcoming Events

The “Upcoming Events” section provides a clear and inviting overview of future activities within the church. Framed by an image of the sacred altar bathed in warm light, this section radiates a sense of community and reverence. The neatly arranged buttons beneath the heading offer an easy pathway to explore the various ministries or specific upcoming events. Designed to evoke a sense of spiritual warmth and belonging, this container helps guide parishioners toward meaningful participation, all while maintaining an elegant and modern aesthetic.

We are now selling T-shirts! They are 20$ in the front office!

Groups and Organizations

Our groups and organizations serve many purposes in the church from evangelizing to service organizations.

Seniors Games

Contact Darlene P. (619) 387-7151

St. Joseph Seniors

Contact Mary Gergen (619) 992-9540

Young Adults (18-39)

Nathan Poe

OLPH Lenten Parish Mission

Our mission is to nurture and encourage each member to grow in the knowledge and love of our Heavenly Father through prayer, scripture, worship and the sacraments. We invite you to worship with us and join our community of faithful, active Catholics.

Sacraments of the Catholic Church

The sacraments are efficacious signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us…

OLPH Faith Formation K-12

At Our Lady of Perpetual Help, we uphold the conviction that the journey of faith formation is ongoing throughout one’s life…

A message from our pastor

Our faith community at Our Lady of Perpetual Help warmly welcomes you!
Whether you are a visitor or new to our parish, or perhaps interested in becoming Catholic, seeking to return to the practice of your faith, or an active member of our parish, we are pleased that you have come to our website, and we will do all that we